Trace to the Star COPECARD®

How It Works

Problem solving is a critical skill for healthy coping.  For example, if you are injured (the problem) and you need help (the solution), figuring out who to ask for help and how to contact them can save your life.  Trace to the Star builds problem solving efficacy while simultaneously offering stress relief.

Problem solving and tracing skills

  • analytical thinking: observing and examining information in order to identify and define a problem and possible solutions

  • sequential reasoning: following logic/ stated rules to solve a problem step-by-step

  • working memory: the ability to hold information in our minds while we manipulate it

  • fine motor skills and visual - spatial skills

Trace to the Star

  • stress and trauma disrupt our thinking and feelings. Complex thinking can become difficult. Engaging in familiar, rudimentary activities such as tracing, can “re-start” the brain (get us into our “thinking brain”) which helps to stabilize our mind and also calm our “feeling brain”

  • focuses our attention on a neutral cognitive activity, giving us space from the stress/trauma, allowing us to “re-set”

  • exercises memory retrieval and integration, which are disrupted by stress/trauma

  • each hand has 17,000 mechanoreceptors, receptors that sense touch, temperature, pressure, vibration, texture, pain, skin stretch and the position of our body in space (proprioception). With this wealth of sensory input, our hands are excellent resources for repairing the mind-body connection, which is disrupted by stress and trauma. As we move our hands, our stressed brain begins attending to the various sensations and distracts from the anxiety. Tracing occupies our hands (which can ‘hold’ a lot of our stress), enabling them to relax.

How to Use

  • take one of your pointer fingers (using your non dominant hand can boost your focus). You can also use a pen, pencil, or crayon to ‘walk’ the maze

  • trace / ‘walk’ the path to the star. Trace at your own speed

  • when you reach the star, pause, relax, breathe and acknowledge your accomplishment

  • when you are ready, trace your way out of the maze

When to Use - Signs of Stress/Trauma

  • not talking, not answering questions

  • disconnected: staring blankly into space; immobilized - not moving

  • preoccupied, worried, overwhelmed

  • anxious, panicked, agitated

What It Can Do

  • decrease anxiety, distress; feel calmer

  • increase control over feelings (self-regulation)

  • think more clearly; increased concentration & problem solving

  • improve compliance: ability to hear and follow directions

  • reconnect to self and present moment

  • build distress tolerance

  • accomplishing a basic task (finding the center of a maze) can bring a sense of control, self-efficacy amidst the chaos of trauma