Draw Your Name COPECARD®

How It Works

Our sense of self (how we view our selves) is disrupted by stress and trauma. We may wonder who we are, what we have experienced or are experiencing, and who are we in relationship to others. Our name is a core component of our identity, this sense of self that is now disrupted. Draw Your Name uses art to help re-build connection to ourselves, others and our experiences

Drawing -

  • employs visual, tactile and repetitive muscular activity; occupies the hands

  • activates the right side of the brain, where non-verbal, visual and physical memories are stored, aiding in processing

  • a line, a shape and/or replicating patterns all require concentration - it is directing movement with precise thought - this cognitive focus relaxes the body (physiological slowdown) and calms the mind

  • Your Name - offers a simple and powerful starting point for reconnecting our sense of self (this is who I am, my name is ... ) and a means for self-expression (which is not available in a printed name)

How to Use

Draw your name, draw the names of those important to you, draw the names of places and things important to you. Draw your story - write about what you feel, what you experience. Use the Draw Your Name designs as a catalyst for designing your own letters.

When to Use - Signs of Stress/Trauma

  • not talking, not answering questions

  • disconnected: staring blankly into space; immobilized - not moving

  • preoccupied, worried, overwhelmed

  • anxious, panicked, agitated

What It Can Do

  • decrease anxiety, distress; feel calmer

  • increase control over feelings (self-regulation)

  • think more clearly; increased concentration & problem solving

  • improve compliance: ability to hear and follow directions

  • reconnect to self and present moment

  • increase interaction with people and environment