How It Works
Connecting to nature in small ways, by smelling a flower, by holding a grain of sand, by listening to a bird sing, grounds us in the present moment, calming our mind and emotions. Connecting to landscapes, to sunrises and sunsets, broadens our perspective. These images are catalysts for exploring the innumerable ways that nature can be a healthy coping tool.
calms our mind by connecting us to something greater than ourselves
inspires awe: shifts our attention outwards, which can bring relief from our internal distress
nurtures a sense of wonder “awe” - renewing our perspective on ourselves and others
connects us to present moment
How to Use
Find simple ways to connect to nature through one’s senses: look, listen and touch. Observe nature, making a list of what you see, hear and touch. Draw pictures of what you see. Write about how you connect to nature.
When to Use - Signs of Stress/Trauma
preoccupied, worried, overwhelmed
anxious, panicked, agitated
What It Can Do
decrease anxiety, distress; feel calmer
increase control over feelings (self-regulation)
reconnect to self and present moment
boost creativity as your mind relaxes and you draw inspiration from the natural world
turn attention away from the self, which can improve caring, sharing and helping skills (collaboration)