Body Signs of Stress COPECARD®

How It Works

When we are stressed or threatened, the brain part called the “amygdala” activates the stress response system – “fight or flight” system.  In split seconds, stress chemicals are released causing a myriad of physiological changes, some of which are:

  • Heart rate increases: pushing extra blood to muscles and brain

  • Breathing rate increases so lungs can take in more oxygen, to power muscles and brain

  • Pupils dilate to take in more light to see better

  • Dry mouth, nausea, stomach “butterflies”: as digestion shuts down so blood can be diverted

  • Hands sweat as sweating cools the body, making it more efficient

  • Muscles become tense and/or shaky, getting “ready for action”

How to Use

Identify your body signs of stress - what are you feeling now, what did you feel/have you felt in the past. Try to connect your mind, emotions and body in the present moment. If the stressor has passed, what coping skills could you use to help your body return to its resting state : for rapid breathing and/or heartbeat, try 5 Finger Breathing or Trace 8 Breathing. For shaky or tense muscles, try Sit + Move or Move Your Hands.

When to Use - Signs of Stress/Trauma

Use to promote self/other stress assessment. The earlier we identify symptoms of stress, the earlier we can activate healthy coping.

Use when experiencing any body signs of stress.

What It Can Do

  • increase body awareness, helping to differentiate between stressed state and resting state

  • learning body signs of stress normalizes experience – taking it from “what’s wrong with me” to “this is a normal response to stress”

  • eliminate stigma by understanding the body’s normal response to stress

  • promote support seeking behavior

  • promote recovery from stressor using healthy coping skills

“This is one of my favorite cards because if I am feeling one of these things, I can go talk to someone.” - Liam, age 10

“Aaliyah likes the diagram of the body. She points to where on her body she feels certain emotions.” -mother of Aaliyah, age 10