5-4-3-2-1 Grounding COPECARD®

How It Works

Stress and trauma disrupt the connection between our mind, body and environment, causing an array of functional issues. Grounding builds mental and physical “mini-connections” to the world around us, restoring the deeper connection to self, others and reality. The strategies are simple and effective. By focusing on just one thing (e.g., things we see), mental overwhelm and chaos are reduced and we can think more clearly. By engaging our senses with the physical world, we can get space from distressing emotional states, lower our emotional intensity and calm down. By connecting to our present environment, we can better separate the past from the present, which helps in managing flashbacks (reliving a past event). When we can think clearly, feel calmer, and know where we are (literally), we stabilize and are better able to function and relate to others.

Grounding techniques utilize a broad range of resources (e.g., from smelling a flower to baking and smelling cookies). These cards are designed for low - resource settings.

How to Use

Start by naming 5 things you see or your favorite sense. Proceed through all five senses, naming things in your environment. Choose one thing from each of the five senses and describe it in detail. For example: something you can touch - what is it made of? is it warm or cool? soft or hard? light or heavy? what are its color(s) or texture(s)? what is it used for? If you can’t sense something (like it’s dark, so you can’t see anything), name things you can imagine being there or wish that were there. Ask someone to alternate naming things with you.

When to Use - Signs of Stress/Trauma

  • preoccupied, worried

  • anxious, panicked, agitated

  • confused: not understanding what is happening, not making sense

  • withdrawn: struggling to connect with others

  • not talking, not answering questions, unresponsive to commands

  • disconnected: staring blankly into space; immobilized - not moving

  • uncontrollable crying, shaking

What It Can Do

  • decrease anxiety, distress; feel calmer

  • increase control over feelings (self-regulation)

  • think more clearly; increased concentration & problem solving

  • improve compliance: ability to hear and follow directions

  • increase interaction with people and environment

  • enable one to be in the present moment